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Directory per tag: trainer

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Codici per Minecraft

Toggle view: Press [F5] during game play in Survival mode to switch to first person view. Rain: Press [F5] during game play in Creative mode. Duplicate items: Place the items to be duplicated into a box. Save and return to Main Menu. Return to your game, take the items from the box. Hold [Alt] and press [F4] to crash the game. reboot and return to your save, you will still have the items in the box but they will also be in your inventory.... Display framerate: Hold [F3] during game play. Show current lag: Hold [F6] during game play. How to make infinite doors: Place a door (wood or iron) between two cacti that have grown to at least two blocks high. It will drop another door for you to pick up. http://coduri-jocuri.com/it/codici-per-minecraft-10995/LEGGI IL BLOG


tutte le ultime novità dal mondo dei pokèmonLEGGI IL BLOG

FST | Feng Shui Trainer - Un Tocco di [ZEN]zero

FST - Feng Shui Trainer Bio Blog sulla bioarchitettura, feng shui e sistemi energetici riferito ai valori della progettazione e del rispetto per ciò che è bello e sano, sviluppa da tutti i punti di vista i principi del costruire e abitare secondo concezioni bio ecologiche e di benessere.LEGGI IL BLOG

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