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Directory per tag: intelligence economica

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Centro Studi Strategici Carlo De Cristoforis

The Association founded in 2011 is based in Como. The President is Prof. Giuseppe Gagliano; the Vice-President is Gen.Fernando Termentini. CESTUDEC is a non-profit association that promotes the greater acquisition of knowledge and public awareness of military history and strategic sciences through cooperation with government ministries, regional authorities, universities, other organizations and institutions, Italian and international research institutes, private companies, and civilians. The Association also conducts promotional activities and focuses scientific study and research in cooperation with other scientific organizations and companies, with public agencies, and with public and private companies. The Association organizes educational activities in cooperation with public agencies and public and private companies, while also promoting the publication and greater public awareness of scientific and/or general texts through the use of any means of communication required. LEGGI IL BLOG

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