Directory per tag: gondola
Informazioni dettagliate da parte di un Veneziano giovane alla ricerca della storia di Venezia e le sue gondole. Scopri com'è nata la città più romantica al mondo, storia locali, informazioni utili sulle gondole e visitare Venezia.LEGGI IL BLOG
prosa e poesia, anche demente se è il caso. Oppure antipatiaLEGGI IL BLOG
Chronicles of Venice
Viator's idiosyncratic Chronicles of Venice are about the ever-changing Lagoon City, yet they are not much use to tourists and they are not newspaper reports. They are open to bribes, but nobody has ever come up with the dough! Secret service agents welcome from any nation. The Chronicles have no commercial collusions, but are up for sale. They are not up to date, but they are not meant to be anything but readable and informative. No lies here. Old tomorrow is never kindly, only true.LEGGI IL BLOG
Chronicles of Venice
Chronicles of Venice, Venezia, La Serenissima: news, adventures and mishaps past and present, marvellous machines, wondrous inventions, the field of miracles... Welcome to Chronicles of Venice.LEGGI IL BLOG