Directory per tag: atari
Commodore is Awesome
Commodore is Awesome is a blog all about Commodore computers and gaming, from C64 to Amiga and more, we have it all!
Come join the fun!
CIA started off as a one woman team and quickly gained two extra members of staff, a coder/poster and a graphic designer.
We felt the need to get more information, links and reviews out there about Commodore computers and it's games, as most Commodore webpages on the internet are very old and dated.
Although CIA is still relatively a new blog we have gained publicity very quickly which is improving day by day.LEGGI IL BLOG
My Games Corner
Blog dedicato ai videogames, ai loro ricordi e alle emozioni che suscitanoLEGGI IL BLOG
Retrogame, Videogiochi, Fumetti, Fantascienza, Fantasy, Cinema, MusicaLEGGI IL BLOG
Un blog dedicato agli anni '70, '80 e '90. Le tendenze, la tecnologia di allora e tutta la nostalgia per quegli anni.LEGGI IL BLOG
Kick Off World of Soccer Blog
Old school soccer games & Emulator, tutti i giochi per home computer dagli anni ottanta agli attuali remake e gli emulatori per PC, MAC, Console e dispositivi mobili e cellulariLEGGI IL BLOG